Twitch Drop FAQs


Link your preferred platforms to Twitch to be eligible for drops:

All TRIBES 3: Rivals streams with the Drops Enabled tag will count towards earning drops.

Be sure to sign in on the platform you want to receive the drop on!

1. Visit:
2. Sign in with either Steam or Epic Game Store. Remember to link your preferred platform.
3. Link your Accounts.
4. Visit & make sure your Steam account is connected.
5. Watch your favorite streamers for rewards.
6. Open TRIBES 3: Rivals & find your rewards in your account. No claiming necessary.

All TRIBES 3: Rivals streams with the Drops Enabled tag will count towards earning drops. All participating streamers are listed above and all active campaigns and their conditions can always be seen on this Twitch page.

If you are interested in participating in the drops program, sign up here:

Is there any way to check my progress towards the next drop? What if I missed the drop?

You can track your progress on the Twitch Drops Inventory page.

Can I earn drops faster or more often by watching more than one channel at a time?

No, you will only be eligible to receive a drop for one active channel at a time. Watching more than one channel simultaneously will not result in more drops.

How long does it take for drops to show up in my Steam inventory?

It can take up to 10 minutes after pressing the Claim button for items to show up in your Steam inventory. If the item does not show up after 30 minutes then your Steam account may not have been linked to your Twitch account when you claimed the drop. You can link your accounts on the top of this page and then click the button to check for missing drops to attempt the reward again. You will need to own TRIBES 3: Rivals on Steam in order to receive the items.

If you have not received your drops and are sure you completed the following, please submit a ticket on our support page.

Do I need Twitch Prime to be eligible?

No, you will just need a Twitch account and a Steam account that has TRIBES 3: Rivals in its library.

I no longer have access to the Twitch account I linked my Steam account to and want to link a new one. What do I do?

You can unlink your old Twitch account by signing in with Steam on this page and then clicking the Unlink Account button. Then you will be able to link your accounts normally again.

I haven't downloaded TRIBES 3: Rivals yet but I claimed some drops on Twitch. Will I still be able to get the drops in my Steam account later?

Yes, as long as you have claimed the drops you will be able to get them when you download TRIBES 3: Rivals later (within 90 days). However, they will not automatically appear in your Steam inventory. You will need to make sure your account is linked on this page and then click the 'Check for Missing Drops' button. Please note that drops claimed more than 90 days ago will expire and not be redeemable to a Steam item.